Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Nobody is going to read this...

Hi guys who,
yes, this is to all of you, who aren't reading my blog, and just want to sell some things that doesn't matter.

Please, search another place to disturb people, and well, if you are doing something like this, why don't you look first, in which language this blog is written.


3 Kommentare:

  1. Ich habs gelesen! Würdest du mich kontaktieren? Wir können vielleicht was zusammen mit unseren Blogs machen!

  2. Rollin-Ianziti(2002) conducted a study to determine when French teachers used English, L1 in the foreign language context at the University of Queensland. Four teachers teaching French participated in the study professional translation. These teachers’ classes were audio-recorded for about six hours in a week.

  3. hola vengo a ridiculizarte mundialmente


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